Conference Presentations

Simplify Project and Portfolio Planning with “Real Options”

Do you work in an organization that spends too much time budgeting, road mapping, and planning their project roadmap or portfolio? Do you ever feel like all this effort is pointless and wasteful? Do you think perhaps there might be a simpler, more pragmatic way? If so, this session is for...

Matt Barcomb, DevJam, and David Hussman, DevJam
Test Automation in Agile: A Successful Implementation

Many teams feel that they are forced to make an either/or decision when it comes to investing time to automate tests versus executing them manually. Sometimes a “silver bullet” tool is purchased, and testers are forced to use it when there may be a better option; other times unskilled team...

Melissa Tondi, Denver Automation and Quality Engineering
Establishing an Agile Testing Culture

Many resources describe how to accelerate performance of your development organization through adoption of agile methodologies, but very few cover testing in a practical manner. And those that do generally focus on technical details, leaving out how to build an agile testing culture while...

Leigh Ishikawa, TripAdvisor
Continuous Delivery: Never Send a Human to Do a Machine’s Job

Until your code is in production, making money for your business, or otherwise doing what it was built to do, you are merely building toy castles in a technological sandbox. Continuous delivery gets more business value into production as soon as possible, validates business decisions, and...

Steve Povilaitis, LeadingAgile, LLC
The Survey Says: Testers Spend Their Time Doing...

How can testers contribute more to the success of their project and their company? How can they focus on asking the right questions, improving test planning and design, and finding defects so the business releases a quality product―even though there’s always one more fire to extinguish or...

Al Wagner, IBM
Is Agile the Prescription for the Public Sector’s IT Woes?

Information technology (IT) projects are notorious for exceeding budget and schedule estimates, and high visibility failures are common. IT projects in the public sector are particularly challenging. State, provincial, and federal governments worldwide have sponsored noteworthy disasters...

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group, Inc.
Crafting Smaller User Stories: Examples and Exercises

Agile development techniques generally emphasize frequent iterations. But even after adopting agile values, methods, and ceremonies, many organizations struggle to make such iterations work in practice. These organizations inevitably wrestle with agile rhythms until they learn to break up...

Stephen Frein, Comcast
Software Testing’s Future—According to Lee Copeland

The original IEEE 829 Test Documentation standard is thirty years old this year. Boris Beizer’s first book on software testing, Software Testing Techniques, also passed thirty. Testing Computer Software, the best-selling book on software testing, is more than twenty five. During the past...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Assessing Agile Engineering Practices

Organizations are often reluctant to adopt the more challenging agile engineering practices—first seen together in Extreme Programming and later adopted by the Scrum Alliance as the Scrum Developer Practices. These practices are difficult to implement and sustain, and the benefits are...

Rob Myers, Agile Institute
Agility at Scale: WebSphere’s Agile Transformation

In today's rapidly changing environment, organizations—both large and small—must quickly respond to shifting market requirements to remain competitive. To be successful, many are adopting agile development and continuous delivery methodologies to deliver software quickly, while keeping...

Susan Hanson, IBM Software Group


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