Keynote: Testing in a Test-driven World
Agile software development has fundamentally changed the way software testing is performed. No longer is testing relegated to the end of the lifecycle where its budgets are cut and its conclusions ignored. Now we live in a world where testing drives development and, for better or worse...
Jeff Payne, Coveros, Inc.
There’s No Room for Emotions in Testing—Not!
Software testing is a highly technical, logical, rational task. There's no place for squishy emotional stuff here—not among professional testers. Or is there? Because of commitment, risk, schedule, and money, emotions often do run high in software development and testing. Our ideas about...
Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Introducing Mobile Testing to Your Organization
Mobile is an integral part of our daily lives, and if it’s not already part of your business model, it soon will be. When that happens, will you be ready to tackle the demands of testing web and native mobile apps? From the perspective of a test lead, Eric Montgomery describes the...
Eric Montgomery, Progressive Insurance
Exploratory Testing on Agile Projects: Combining SBTM and TBTM
Exploratory testing provides both flexibility and speed—characteristics that are vitally important with the quick pace of short agile iterations. With session-based test management (SBTM), exploratory testing is structured and documented in pre-defined sessions. A newer approach...
Christin Wiedemann, Professional Quality Assurance, Ltd.
Flintstones or Jetsons? Jump Start Your Virtual Test Lab
The power of virtualization has made it easy and inexpensive to create multiple environments for testing. How you implement your virtualization strategy can boost not only the savings on physical gear and availability of test environments but also your testing productivity.
David Silk, Verisign, Inc.
Keynote: Surviving or Thriving: Top Ten Lessons for the Professional Tester
As testers and test managers we often find ourselves struggling just to survive within our organization—sometimes with the possibility of job loss due to outsourcing looming. Often, we are told to become more “effective,” “efficient,” and do “more with less.” However, most testers and test...
Lloyd Roden, Lloyd Roden Consultancy
Unleash Service Virtualization: Reduce Testing Delays
The ability to rapidly release new product features is vital to the success of today’s businesses. To accelerate development, teams are adopting agile practices and leveraging service-oriented architectures to integrate legacy applications with other systems. At the same time, testing...
Allan Wagner, IBM Software—Rational
Better Security Testing: Using the Cloud and Continuous Delivery
Even though many organizations claim that security is a priority, that claim doesn’t always translate into supporting security initiatives in software development or test. Security code reviews often are overlooked or avoided, and when development schedules fall behind, security testing...
Gene Gotimer, Coveros, Inc.
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites
Having problems with your website’s performance? Does it take too much time and effort to determine the cause of a particular page’s poor performance? Would you like to find the root cause of client-side issues in an automated way? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then...
Ron Woody, GSI Commerce
STAREAST 2013: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes
Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers...
Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering