defect reporting

Better Software Magazine Articles

A Look at TeamTrack 3.0, a Web-Based Defect Tracking Tool

George Hamblen and Stephen Bailey look at TeamShare's TeamTrack 3.0, a Web-based defect tracking tool. TeamTrack offers a fully functional defect tracking system over a company intranet. Since all of the functionality is offered from the server, this means each desktop needs only a browser to access the system.

Does a Bug Make a Noise When It Falls in the Forest?

You've probably heard the question about noise in the forest: Does a tree falling in the forest make any noise if no one is there to hear it? Noel Nyman examines the question, "Is a bug a bug if no user can ever make it happen?"

Noel Nyman
Writing Effective Bug Reports

Have you ever had a bug returned to you for more information? Have you ever found a critical bug only to have it deferred to another release? Elisabeth Hendrickson tells you how to write effective and informative bug reports that will get noticed.

Elisabeth Hendrickson's picture Elisabeth Hendrickson
Bringing Your Test Data to Life

Tracking test results is one of the fundamental tasks that your software testing organization must perform to be successful. Explore how a customized database can enhance that process.

Len DiMaggio
Perspectives from a Test Manager: Four Keys to Keeping Your Testing on Track

This article highlights four keys to getting better organized: 1. A common set of ground rules on the test progress, defect reporting, and verification; 2. The ability to convey how your team’s testing is going--on a frequent basis; 3. Knowing what needs to be tested--and being able to stand behind the reasons why; 4. Maintaining good communication with the development leaders to help move the product through the development phases--being proactive rather than reactive.

Chris DeNardis's picture Chris DeNardis
The Influential Test Manager: How to Develop and Use Influence to Help Your Test Group - and Project - Succeed

Test managers often feel that while somebody might be in control of schedules or resources, they certainly are not. An experienced test manager shares ways to develop and use professional influence to help the test group.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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