functional testing
TestCafe: A Vendor Independent Test Execution Controller This article gives examples of modular test design diagrams. It also discusses why using a custom test execution controller for your network project will benefit your team.
Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc
Functional and Regression Testing of Web Applications Gone are the days for most commercial Web sites when the "application" on the site was the Web. Now Web sites are often just the presentation layer for sophisticated applications that interact with a complexity of internal and external systems, all glued together in an elaborate architecture using Corba or DCOM. Learn how to ensure that transaction-based Web sites function properly. Explore the benefits of automated testing in these environments.
Peter Cook, Watchfire
A Crash Team Approach to Effective Testing Rapid changes and stunted delivery deadlines are always challenging software testers. To catch up, software testing must take a different approach without cutting corners-hence, the crash team. The crash team approach focuses on integration testing and runs in parallel with functional testing. Its technique discovers system problems early, problems that would be hard to find with traditional methods. It also supports the spiral development model that's been adopted in many rapid application development environments.
Pei Ma, WeiMa Group LLC
Data in Functional Testing-You Can't Live Without It This paper sets out to illustrate some of the ways that data can influence the test process, and will show that testing can be improved by a careful choice of input data. In doing this, the paper will concentrate most on data-heavy applications; those which use databases or are heavily influenced by the data they hold. The paper will focus on input data, rather than output data or the transitional states the data passes through during processing, as input data has the greatest influence on functional testing and is the simplest to manipulate. The paper will not consider areas where data is important to non-functional testing, such as operational profiles, massive datasets and environmental tuning.
James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions
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