

Globe Value Stream Mapping Gone Wrong

Value Stream Mapping is a powerful lean tool that is commonly used in Agile and DevOps implementations as a foundation for continuous improvement and transformation, but its application doesn’t always lead to the expected or desired result. Author Jeff Pierce's article helps you to avoid some of the most common failings companies encounter when they try to implement it.

Jeff Pierce's picture Jeff Pierce
How do I address story writing and slicing challenges?

I would like to get some expert opinion on the following product environment in terms of story writing and story slicing. Suppose if we have an enterprise product and many clients would be onboarding to the product in different timelines of deadlines with customized extra features than the basic product. As many clients are getting onboarded with more unique customized features and the overlap is in place, the Product owners are getting challenges in writing the story which enriches the base product that fits our system and slicing the stories into smaller units that fit into the 2-week sprint for the clients. What would be your suggestion or approaches on these sort of situations to address the story writing and slicing challenges?

Krishnan K's picture Krishnan K
switch Switch Expressions in Java 14 add Simplicity and Agility

The article discusses how the new switch statement is simplified and how the new switch expression simplifies. After setting the environment, we’ll discuss what was lacking in the switch statement that makes it less agile. Then, we’ll discuss how Java 14 simplifies switch.


Deepak Vohra's picture Deepak Vohra
Java Text Blocks Make Java More Agile

A Java architect has often posed the dilemma of whether to revise existing code around a new feature. Revising code involves a lot of code review and code rewriting. Revising existing Java code is justified only if the benefits of a new feature outweigh the effort needed to revise the code.

Deepak Vohra's picture Deepak Vohra
Melissa Benua Whole Team Quality: A Conversation with Melissa Benua

Melissa Benua, director of engineering at mParticle, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the importance of whole team quality, how to get started using the test pyramid, and how developers can start writing testable code.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Secure padlock Embedding Security in a DevOps World

Faster DevOps processes also create new challenges. It was difficult enough to add security into a traditional waterfall software development lifecycle with monthly or quarterly releases, but now software updates are released several times a day! What can developers do to build and maintain more secure applications? Here are some ways to encourage better security practices throughout the DevOps lifecycle.

Alex Humphrey's picture Alex Humphrey
Foundation of a building Infrastructure as Code: The Foundation of Effective DevOps

The absence of versioned infrastructure as code (IaC) and automated provisioning undermines one of the most important benefits of DevOps: the ability to version, manage, and control the servers and networking required to run software applications in development, testing, and production. Automating infrastructure setup and continuous monitoring helps keep system environments stable and less susceptible to outages.

Anirudh Sethi's picture Anirudh Sethi
Developer working sustainably Cultivating Sustainable Agile Development

In agile development, we want to support a sustainable pace because we recognize that when we overwork ourselves, we tend to introduce defects that are more costly to repair than can be offset by any efficiencies we gain by putting in massive amounts of overtime. We should encourage a set of common standards and practices to help us build solutions that are more maintainable and extendable.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Mentor teaching a new developer coding skills Learning the Skills of a Professional Software Developer

We hire for programming language skills or framework experience, but these are the kinds of things that any developer should be able to pick up quickly. David Bernstein says we should be hiring based on talent instead, and mentoring developers to write code that can be maintained and extended more easily. These critical skills are best learned on the job, which is why mentoring is so valuable.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Agile + DevOps East Continuous Delivery Dojo: From Doing Agile to Being Agile

State Farm adopted an innovative approach to a common problem many organizations face with agile transformation: How do you influence, nurture, and support a whole scale culture of agility? How do you move from doing agile to being agile? 

Lisa Maurer


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