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Agile + DevOps East Enter the Agile Dojo[presentation]

The dojo is an experiment-rich environment for the team that encourages adding pieces and tools as needed, pushing experimentation, and learning first. What makes this dojo special is how adaptive it can be, considering teams no longer are all collocated.

Christina Ambers
Agile + DevOps East Engaging Leadership: The Missing Piece for Enhancing Agile Adaptation[presentation]

As W. Edwards Deming wrote, "It is not enough that top management commit themselves for life to quality and productivity. They must know what it is that they are committed to—that is, what they must do. These obligations cannot be delegated."

Reha Malik Gill
Agile + DevOps East The Nitty-Gritty Practices of Agile Coaching for DevOps[presentation]

How do you coach a team from showing progress every two weeks to delivering multiple times a day? Challenging the status quo, running experiments, and forming learning communities may be part of the answer. 

Allison Pollard
DevOps Tools for Database Developers[presentation]

You're thinking about modernizing your database development process ... someday. You have directories full of SQL files you use to build your application.

Blaine Carter
Agile + DevOps East Story Mapping Forward and Backward with DevOps[presentation]

User story maps capture the journey a customer takes with your product, including activities and tasks needed to make that journey a successful one.

Catherine Louis
Agile + DevOps East Selenium Tests at the Speed of Headless[presentation]

Testing is shifting left. Developers want instant feedback on the quality of their code, and testers want to incorporate tests earlier in the pipeline without slowing down development efforts.

Alissa Lydon
Agile + DevOps East Example Mapping: The New Three Amigos[presentation]

Example mapping is a collaboration technique used by teams to help refine requirements. Every team should have a set of “ready” criteria that includes some kind of workshop between development team members to establish a shared understanding.

Thomas Haver
Agile + DevOps East The Transformation Mindset: A Leader's Guide to Embracing Agile[presentation]

Many leaders want to transform their organization to become more agile, adaptive, and responsive to the market. However, most do not deeply understand how to lead their organization through such a massive change.

Steven Granese
Small Batch Sizes Enable Everything—Even in the Government[presentation]

Lean practices teach us that small batch sizes optimize flow of value to market. 

Kimberly Davis
Agile + DevOps East Open Mic: Coaching Up in Your Organization[presentation]

The term “coaching up” traditionally refers to communication with a supervisor or person above you in the organizational chart.

Jen Wright
Agile + DevOps East Continuous Delivery Dojo: From Doing Agile to Being Agile[presentation]

State Farm adopted an innovative approach to a common problem many organizations face with agile transformation: How do you influence, nurture, and support a whole scale culture of agility? How do you move from doing agile to being agile? 

Lisa Maurer
Agile + DevOps East Wabi-Sabi Your DevSecOps[presentation]

The ability of DevSecOps to produce secure code requires the merging of two very different cultures: AppSec and DevOps.

Brittany Greenfield
Agile + DevOps East What “Good” Looks Like: The 4 Quadrants of Product Ownership[presentation]

The product owner role was introduced in Scrum in 1993, so the role has been around for more than twenty-five years. Yet we still struggle with the nature of it. Is it simple or complex? Is it inward- or outward-facing? It is about backlogs and stories, or something more?

Bob Galen
Agile + DevOps East Journey without Fear: Leading Your Teams to High Performance[presentation]

Psychological safety has been identified by Google’s Project Aristotle as a top condition for creating high-performing teams. Yet many organizations are affected by fear in the workplace. 

Dana Pylayeva
Agile + DevOps East DevOps for the Agile Practitioner[presentation]

As an agile coach, ScrumMaster, or product owner, you interact with technical teams every day, even though you may not have a technical background yourself. 

Lee Eason


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