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Simplify Your Combinatorial Testing[magazine]

Combinatorial testing is effective for testing multiple, non-sequential inputs that affect a common output in complex software. But, it's easy to misapply it or become a slave to the output. Learn to overcome limitations and benefit fully from this technique.

Bj Rollison's picture Bj Rollison
Is "Agile Methodology" an Oxymoron?[article]

Explore the differences between a process and methodology and why neither process nor methodology should be used to label and encapsulate agile-lean product (system-software) development.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Collaborative Risk Analysis for Release Planning[article]

Release planning is more than just stuffing the highest ranked stories into iteration buckets. To be meaningful the whole team needs to participate. Lightweight risk management techniques are not orthogonal to an agile approach They can help proactively address previously hidden concerns and the planning process benefits all-around from shared dialog on release-impacting risks.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
"Dear Agile" – A Love Letter[article]

Dear Readers,

Writing or receiving a break-up letter can be fairly daunting or shattering, depending on which end of the letter your name appears. That letter puts a pretty hard stop to a relationship. It’s communicating detachment and finality. It can create a lot of pain whether intended or not. In contrast, a love letter is uplifting. The endorphins fly! Someone is revealing their attraction for you, and their hopes and wishes for a future with you.


TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Integrating Performance Testing into the Agile Development Process[article]

One of the key purposes and benefits of Agile development processes (“Agile”) is that they emphasize working software as the primary measure of progress. To ensure that the current state of the software is working, every iteration includes unit and acceptance testing.

Many organizations report that, following the adoption of Agile, the quality of their released systems has been improved.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Book Review: Lean Architecture[article]

 Jim Coplien's recent book, Lean Architecture: for Agile Software Development, explains how agile principles and architecture are complimentary, and how, with everyone working collaboratively, a good, lightweight architectural framework can help enable agility, rather than being a barrier to it.  With his usual iconoclastic style, Coplien dispels the myth that agile doesn't need architecture.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
How to Annoy an Audience[article]

Many people who give presentations have habits that are innocent but that can annoy the audience. In this week's column, Naomi Karten identifies some of the potential annoyances she's seen among the technical professionals she's coached or observed.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
When Conflict Is Baked In: Bridging Structural Conflict[article]

No two people or groups are the same, but their differences don't have to force them apart. In this column, Esther Derby uses the example of feuding operations and development groups to explain how focusing on the source of structural conflict can help build a bridge across the disagreements.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Networking for Geeks[article]

Professionals need networks to further their careers. But, for those of us who are geeks, it can be difficult to build connections face to face. Consultant and lifelong geek Fiona Charles shares networking tips that have worked for her.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Acceptance Test-Driven Development: Not as Optional as You Think[article]

The components of software processes work together in important and sometimes unrecognized ways. The removal of one of those components will affect the others. In this article, which originally appeared in the August 2010 issue of the Iterations eNewsletter, Jennitta Andrea takes a look at the value of acceptance test-driven development and the costs of making it an optional practice.

Jennitta Andrea's picture Jennitta Andrea
On Being Absolutely Certain-and Wrong[article]

Sometimes we're blind to what's right in front of us. We think we're paying full attention, but, as Naomi Karten knows from a recent travel experience, we're not. In this week's column, Naomi describes what happened and discusses some fascinating research that demonstrates how common this form of blindness is.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Coaching is Key for Scrum Success – Part One of Two[article]

Organizations eager to solve the problems they see in their projects or processes often decide to adopt Scrum in the belief that it will immediate solve all those problems. Although Scrum can and often does resolve some problems immediately, it also has the potential to expose or exacerbate other existing problems and can even appear to create a few problems of its own.

In some cases, this can be seen to be a “failure” of Scrum, even when implemented by an organization that was initially enthusiastic and determined. This perceived failure can cost the organization considerable time and money if the Scrum team continues along the same path they are on, despite the unresolved problems. These costs, as well as frustrations and even pressures from inside or outside the Scrum team can cause Scrum to be abandoned without ever demonstrating its full potential.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Agile Coach Performance Management: Measure Yourself as a Coach, Not as a Manager[article]

The desire to control comes through loud and clear in the way most people’s worth is measured by their company’s performance management process. When it comes to performance review time, these controlling phrases crop up anew. Many successful agile coaches have been dismayed to learn that, despite the amazing results their teams produced and despite the new clarity and purpose that pervades the workplace, measuring their contributions still includes phrases such as “Herd the cats.”

Lyssa Adkins's picture Lyssa Adkins
An Overview of Lean-Agile Methods[article]

Life used to be simpler. In the early 2000s, if you wanted to go "agile," XP was the route of choice. And then Scrum became popular. And it was not too long before organizations began to hit the limits of these approaches due to their focus on teams. And then it became apparent that lean principles could be applied to software and Lean Software Development and later Kanban were added to the mix. Now, you have a great many choices: Not just about which method to use, but where to start, whether to go top-down or bottom-up, and what should be the scope of your effort.

Al Shalloway's picture Al Shalloway
What is an Agile Coach?[article]

As a go-giver the agile coach focuses on putting others’ interests first and continually adding value by serving an individual’s, teams’ and organization’s needs and helping them effectively and pragmatically deal with both their day-to-day and long-term challenges.

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