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Calculating Earned Business Value For An Agile Project[article] It is apparent that agility works, whatever that may mean. However, many software projects remain artifact-driven and waterfallish. Why is this? The most common excuses are that agility is too developer-centric, that it is too lightweight, and that feedback to business is hard to understand. In particular, many managers in larger companies miss their metrics. In this paper we address this last problem by defining a new metric, Earned Business Value (EBV), that replaces standard Earned Value Analysis (EVA) metrics, and can be calculated in an agile project. Using EBV, teams can gain better understanding of a project's progress and determine when and where to reallocate resources or change course. |
Rhythms as Agile Diagnostics[article] A healthy agile project has several typical rhythms such as releases, iterations, stand-up meetings, builds kicked off by continuous integration, and the red-green-red test cycle of a developer. These rhythms have healthy ranges (such as a stand up meeting lasting less than 15 minutes) and characteristics (such as that same stand up meeting not containing design discussions). When they fall out of these ranges or do not display the appropriate characteristics, they indicate that something is wrong with the agile process. |
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Behavior Modification[magazine] Novices are often hampered by test-driven design's legacy terminology and notation. Behavior-driven development shifts the emphasis from testing to specification. Dan North describes how behavior-driven development makes established agile practices more accessible and effective for teams new to agile. |
Understanding Introversion and Extroversion[article] Personality differences often pose challenges for people who need to work together. One such difference is that which separates introverts and extroverts. Just by being themselves, introverts and extroverts can drive each other crazy. But they can also benefit from each other's strengths. In this column, Naomi Karten explains this personality difference and helps introverts and extroverts better understand and appreciate each other. |
Venkat Subramaniam - Practices of an Agile Developer - NFJS Tour 2006[article]
Venkat Subramaniam talks about his new book Practices of an Agile Developer during the NFJS Tour 2006 in Reston, Virginia. The practices are laid out in a way that eases adoption for people new to Agile and improves the practices for those who have been doing Agile. |
The Test Team Paradox[article] Successful testers need to be continually critical of other people's work. Yet this critical approach can spill over into other aspects of our work. Therein lies the paradox within every test team. How do we prevent that continual criticality from denting our own motivation and leaving the test team dispirited? In this article, William Echlin helps us look to the bright side of testing. |
William Echlin
May 22, 2006 |
Jay Zimmerman - No Fluff Just Stuff Tour 2006[article]
Bob Payne talks with Jay Zimmerman at the end of the No Fluff Just Stuff conference in Reston, Virginia. Jay talks about the Java roots of NFJS and discusses the inclusion of Ruby and Agile Methods into the conference tracks. |
Mark Richards - FDD & Agile Architecture - NFJS2006 Tour[article]
Mark Richards and Bob Payne sit down to discuss agile architecture in this podcast. Mark shares his thoughts on feature-driven development, among other topics in this informative discussion. |
Going the Distance: Five Tactics to Compensate for Distance on Distributed Teams[article] Teams communicate quickly and freely when they work in the same room. There's no time wasted walking down the hall, going to another floor, or waiting for a return email or call back. Collocation is the most effective arrangement for teams, but that's not always possible. Esther Derby shares five tactics that help teams compensate for distance. |
Write a Blockbuster Using User Scenarios[article] Big projects require many little user stories. But if these scenarios don't add up to one good story, then you're probably missing out on the big picture. In this week's column, Jeff Patton describes how his team weaves many small tales into a single strong report by identifying key characters and themes. |
Supercharge Your Application Development Open Source Strategy with an Architecture-centric Approach[article] Application Development Open Source Strategy with an Architecture-centric Approach Today's software developer, like never before, is blessed with a plethora of sophisticated open source tools and technologies to aid his craft in producing market-worthy applications. Leveraging these resources together with the developer's business domain knowledge and agile best practices can quickly yield some truly amazing results To sustain these successes, an application developer must apply an architectural-centric approach in order to realize longevity, flexibility and independence in his application. |
Dave Thomas - No Fluff Just Stuff 2006 Tour[article]
Dave Thomas speaks about the Dreyfus Model of Learning at the No Fluff Just Stuff conference held in Reston, Virginia. |
Who do You Trust?[magazine] The defensive programmer may sometimes feel a touch of paranoia in his work, but it’s all part of the job. Writing code today that is robust and defensive will help protect against the potential errors of the unforeseeable future. |
A New Strategy[magazine] After a conversation with a stranger about the abuses of process in an industry that features spaceships, technology, and an oddball rebellion against a controlling empire—no, nothing to do with Hollywood—Matthew Heusser ponders a simple dose of process improvement. |
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A Look at Command Line Utilities[magazine] There are some large and complex tools out there for testers, but the ones Danny Faught uses most often are small and conveniently accessed by way of a simple, old-fashioned command line user interface. |