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Mike Sowers The Value of Attending TechWell Conferences: An Interview with Mike Sowers[interview]

In this interview, Mike Sowers, CIO and president of SQE Training at TechWell, explains what goes on at TechWell's different software testing conferences like STARCANADA. He details the different topics you’ll learn about, the speakers, and the types of presentations you can expect.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Image of lock over code DevSecOps: Incorporate Security into DevOps to Reduce Software Risk[article]

DevSecOps is a growing movement to incorporate security into DevOps practices in order to ensure flaws and weaknesses are exposed early on through monitoring, assessment, and analysis, so remediation can be implemented far earlier than traditional efforts. By failing fast with security testing, organizations reduce risk of a security incident and decrease the cost of rework.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
Open agile workspace The Ideal Workspace for an Agile Team[article]

If your agile team is all wearing noise-canceling headphones and stepping outside for conference calls, you have a problem. An agile workspace doesn't only mean putting everyone in the same room. The layout, configuration, and seating must be conducive to sustainable teamwork. Here are some tips about what an agile workspace is—and isn't.

Joel Bancroft-Connors's picture Joel Bancroft-Connors
Better Software West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, DevOps West 2018 Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR testing conferences. Now, they’ve come to the combined Agile Dev, Better Software, and DevOps conferences too.

Bob Galen
Better Software West 2018, DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018 Five (Oops! I Mean Six) Mistakes Leaders Make[presentation]

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Pete Behrens
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 Use DevOps Principles to Transform Culture[presentation]

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Ashley Hunsberger
Technical writing Fitting Technical Writing into Agile Development[article]

As teams strive to move to a mature agile process, technical writers must adapt as effectively as the development personnel. This new agile process demands that knowledge dealing with software or product releases is only sparingly documented up front, making the technical writer's job of gathering information much more dependent on talking with people over reading requirements.

Robert Spielman's picture Robert Spielman
Martin Chikilian Why It’s Critical to Invest in DevOps Right Now: An Interview with Toptal’s Martin Chikilian[interview]

In this interview, Martin Chikilian, lead director of engineering at Toptal, digs into current DevOps trends and whether DevOps is just a fad. Martin explains why the gig economy is so big for DevOps, why there are so many unfilled positions, and what continuous concepts mean for software.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Pencil to paper Document Why as Well as What: Finding the Purpose of Your Software[article]

Code can express what we want to accomplish, but it’s a little more difficult to express why we’re doing something in the first place. The people who maintain code are often not those who originally wrote it, so documenting why helps set a context and gives clues as to what the author was thinking when they came up with a particular design, making developers' jobs easier.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
STAREAST 2018 API Testing: How to Write Tests, Integrate into CI, and Track What You're Testing[presentation]

Some developers and testers think that APIs, whether internally developed or not, should just work.

Elise Carmichael
STAREAST 2018 The Appium Framework: Create and Implement Your Mobile Testing Strategy [presentation]

The trend in mobile apps today is who can deliver the best and the most new apps as quickly as possible to keep up with the competition. With this, the need for more and better testing seems to grow exponentially.

Harry Roberts
STAREAST 2018 Behavior-Driven Development: Real-World Mind Reading[presentation]

Imagine this scenario: Business users are excited to finally get their hands on an implementation delivery that is on schedule, (mostly) on budget, and passed rigorous testing with flying colors.

Kim Tatum
STAREAST 2018 Make the Shift to Quality Engineering [presentation]

In the shift toward “continuous everything” in software development and delivery, we know that testing and testers must foster and support innovation within technology.

Melissa Tondi
STAREAST 2018 What's an API and How Do I Test It?[presentation]

API-based applications have become ubiquitous in the past few years. Yet many of us still really don't know what an API is from the inside out. Moreover, many of us don't know much about how to comprehensively test them!

Paul Merrill
STAREAST 2018 AR and VR for Mobile Apps: Are You Ready to Test?[presentation]

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) mobile apps are going to dominate the technical landscape for the next few years.

BJ Aberle


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