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Collocated East Logo Architecture vs. Design vs. Agile: What’s the Answer?[presentation]

Is architecture the same as preliminary design in agile? It shouldn't be. Do we do architecture up front, then do iterative development after the architecture is done? That is edging back toward waterfall. Can you explain the purpose of the architecture in just two or three statements? 

Anthony Crain, Blue Agility
Collocated East Logo From Waterfall to Agile: A ScrumMaster’s View[presentation]

In less than one year, a leading software company's product team transitioned from a twenty-five year history of waterfall development to using agile methodologies. They had produced software the old-fashioned way—sequentially, firmly entrenched in the process and procedure of pure...

Andrew Montcrieff, Veritas
Collocated East Logo Detection Theory Applied to Finding and Fixing Defects[presentation]

Detection theory says: When trying to detect a certain event, a person can correctly report that it happened, miss it, report a false alarm, or correctly report that nothing happened. Under conditions of uncertainty, the decision to report an event is strongly influenced by how likely it...

Ru Cindrea, Altom Consulting
Collocated East Logo Product Backlog Refinement: Grooming Your User Stories[presentation]

The Scrum Guide describes Product Backlog Refinement as “the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product Backlog.” New and even experienced agile teams often underestimate the importance of well-groomed stories and find the process of reviewing numerous stories...

Becky Moshenek, ANCILE Solutions
Collocated East Logo Large-Scale Agile Test Automation Strategies in Practice[presentation]

After providing an introduction to several key agile testing concepts—including the Automation Triangle and the Test Automation Quadrants—Geoff Meyer discusses approaches to effectively deliver automated testing. Geoff shares practical insights and demonstrates how they were employed...

Geoff Meyer, Dell, Inc.
Collocated East Logo Lean Entrepreneurship for Software Professionals[presentation]

Software teams are faced with the prospect of building a product, only to have unexpected shifts in customer demand, changes in the competitive landscape, or swings in the economic climate undermine their plans and turn their product into expensive waste. What is an...

Thomas Vaniotis, Liquidnet
Collocated East Logo Advance ALM and DevOps Practices with Continuous Improvement[presentation]

Do you want to improve your application lifecycle and incorporate DevOps practices quickly with limited resources? If so, you’re experiencing a common scenario – not enough budget and unrealistic time constraints. Your big multi-year application lifecycle management (ALM) project seems...

Jason St-Cyr, Nonlinear Digital
Collocated East Logo Well Begun Is Half Done: Creating Dynamic and Living Team Charters[presentation]

Aristotle once stated, “Well begun is half done.” However, many agile initiatives suffer from a feeble launch. So how can we increase the likelihood of success for a team or organization? By developing a sound team charter. Beginning with the end in mind, we use retrospective techniques to...

Linda Cook, Project Cooks, LLC, and Chris Espy, SolutionsIQ
Collocated East Logo Requirements Are Simply Requirements—or Maybe Not[presentation]

When talking about requirements, people use identical terms and think they have a common understanding. Yet, one says user stories are requirements; another claims user stories must be combined with requirements; and yet another has a different approach. These “experts” seem unaware of...

Robin Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.
Collocated East Logo Improvisation for Agile Skill Development[presentation]

In today's economy, the Creative Economy, businesses face a disrupted, highly competitive and constantly changing landscape. To thrive in the Creative Economy team members, managers and executives will need to become and remain Agile. Improvisational Theater provides us with a proven model...

Robie Wood, ImprovAgility, and Jody Wood, ImprovAgility
Collocated East Logo Our Journey to Agile in the Microsoft Developer Division[presentation]

This is the story about the Microsoft Developer Division and their two-year journey to agile—from shipping every three years to shipping every three weeks. In the old days, long stabilization phases were part of its DNA. Managers were rewarded for micromanagement. Commitments were made...

Gregg Boer, Microsoft
Collocated East Logo Exploratory Testing: Make It Part of Your Test Strategy[presentation]

Developers often have the unfortunate distinction of not thoroughly testing their code. It’s not that developers do not understand how to test well; it’s just that often they have not had an opportunity to understand how the product works. Kevin Dunne maintains that implementing a...

Kevin Dunne, QA Symphony
Collocated East Logo Continuous Delivery in a Legacy Shop—One Step at a Time[presentation]

Not every continuous delivery (CD) initiative starts with someone saying “Drop everything. We’re going to do DevOps.” Sometimes, you have to grow your process incrementally. And sometimes you don’t set out to grow at all—you are just fixing problems with your process, trying to make things...

Gene Gotimer, Coveros, Inc.
Collocated East Logo Going Agile? Three Conversations to Have Before You Start[presentation]

All too often, companies adopt a mission to “go agile” before truly understanding what that entails. Business managers are quick to jump on the agile bandwagon, believing that going agile will magically make projects happen faster. Teams are getting certified in Scrum believing it is the...

Heather Fleming, Gilt, and Justin Riservato, Gilt
Collocated East Logo Agility without Complexity: Fast and Efficient[presentation]

The Agile Manifesto was stated in less than seventy words. Now, fourteen years later, layer upon layer have been added to it. What was supposed to be a simple philosophy has exploded into a gigantic industry. Much of this layering makes agile seem overly complex. We know developers want to...

Geoff Perlman, Xojo, Inc.


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