Better Software Magazine Articles

Tools for Our Time

Software development has really changed over the years, and programming languages have evolved along with it. Learn more about D, one of today's more interesting languages; it's a high-level, type-safe language with the efficiency of C++ and the convenience of Java.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison
Why Compilers Miscalculate Floating Point Numbers: Piles of Sand, Redux

In this continuation of his June 2007 article on floating-point numbers, Chuck Allison explains why certain compilers miscalculate sin(x) for large arguments and why some get it right. He also divulges that floating-point spacing is the key to getting the most from numeric computations.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison
Fighting Temptation

Programmers must balance time, business needs, and a long-term maintenance profile while producing code. Are you willing to accept the easy path now, even if it means trouble down the road? Tod Golding explains that the fastest way may not always be the right way.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding
The Need for Speed?

Tod Golding is all for increased speed and saving time, but not if they compromise the maintainability of your code. The speediest code won't mean much down the road, if someone unfamiliar with the code isn't able to drop in and make an important change or fix.

Tod Golding's picture Tod Golding

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