

Project Negotiations and the Iron Triangle

Negotiation skills are useful in life and essential for professional success. This week, Payson Hall provides a short tutorial on project negotiations that includes a technique to help you look for solutions. The use of motivation and the "Iron Triangle" is a good starting point.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall

Conference Presentations

Beyond the Bug Battles

It is too easy to fall into fruitless battles over bugs. In many cases, the dispute really comes down to the fact that customers and developers have different ideas regarding what counts as a defect. Testers, on the other hand, are often stuck in the middle. The solution isn't to decide who's right but to find a way to acknowledge the different perspectives. In this presentation, learn two methods for increasing mutual understanding-helping testers and developers work together to create software of which they can be proud.

Bret Pettichord, Tivoli Systems
Outsourcing the Software Testing Effort: A Negotiating Checklist

This presentation raises several of the issues involved in partial or complete outsourcing of the software testing effort. Attorney Cem Kaner presents his negotiating checklist, including how to evaluate the costs, benefits, and risks of test outsourcing. Learn how to effectively use an outsourcer's staff with your testing projects.

Cem Kaner, J.D., Ph.D., Florida Tech
Using Metrics to Govern Outsourced Applications

Outsourcing arrangements are established on the basis of a contractual partnership, with both parties having a vested interest in the success of the relationship. Success can be viewed differently by the outsourcing provider and customer, however, making the use of objective, quantifying service level metrics instrumental to the success of the contract. Learn how to properly identify and develop service level metrics required to support both business and technical deliverables.

Eric Buel, Eric Buel and Associates, Inc.

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