shift left


2020 letters and confetti 7 Agile Testing Trends to Watch for in 2020

With 2020 upon us, software development firms seeking to increase their agility are focusing more and more on aligning their testing approach with agile principles. Let’s look at seven of the key agile testing trends that will impact organizations most this year.

Nick Karlsson's picture Nick Karlsson
Four yellow pipes Continuous Delivery Is Not a Pipeline

Pretty much everything you hear about DevOps mentions “the pipeline.” Continuous delivery is not really about the pipeline, however. Continuous delivery is about two things: testing strategy and branching strategy. The pipeline is important; it is an integral part of DevOps. However, the central element is the practice of testing continually using automated tests.

Clifford Berg's picture Clifford Berg


Shankar Konda Shift Left but Get It First-Time Right: An Interview with Shankar Konda

In this interview, Shankar Konda from TCS discusses the long-term viability of the shift-left movement, how to achieve the best returns when abiding by shift-left principles, and how DevOps and continuous integration fit in to the shift-left world. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin

Conference Presentations

Agile + DevOps East Shifting Security Left: The Innovation of DevSecOps

DevSecOps uses application security practices that have existed for a while. The innovation of DevSecOps is incorporating security into the daily workflow of the team rather than leaving it to the end, shifting security left by automating aspects of security testing.

Tom Stiehm
STARWEST Testing Shift Left Testing: Going Beyond Agile

The concept of “shifting testing left” in the software development lifecycle is not new. Shifting testing from manual to automated and then upstream into engineering is a driving factor in DevOps and agile software development. However, Michael Nauman wonders why test automation...

Michael Nauman

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