7 Proven Ways to Ruin Your Test Automation

Seretta Gamba

Test automation projects fail, but why? Could you stop it from happening? In this tongue-in-cheek talk, Seretta Gamba will share seven proven methods to disrupt or utterly ruin a test automation project, including letting a lone champion keep important knowledge to himself, ignoring good programming practices, setting impossible goals, and feigning support. Seretta’s humorous recommendations will provide managers, testers, and automators alike with the early signs of an automation project in danger. By “warning” that the most effective defenses are found using the test automation patterns, Seretta will provide the tools needed to counter and resolve issues that lead to project failure. You will receive access to an online resource, the test automation patterns wiki, that leads you through test automation success patterns and offers ways to avoid failures. You'll take away automation patterns to defend against disrupting your automation, including deputies, training and pairing, goals, pilots, good programming practices, and designing for reuse. Come learn the beneficial patterns of behavior that will counteract Seretta's surefire ways to ruin your test automation.


[video:https://youtu.be/C8vq6VVUAmE width:300 height:200 align:right]

About the Presenter

Seretta Gamba has forty years’ experience in development and fifteen in test automation. After going through all the usual developer roles, in 2001 she was put in charge of test automation for her current company. She developed a framework that enabled her company to quickly get excellent results. After having talked about the framework at a couple of conferences, she met Dorothy Graham and was invited to write a chapter in the book Experiences of Test Automation . With Dorothy she has been developing the Test Automation Patterns Wiki and is now writing a story book about the patterns.

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