Agile for Business Analysts
A prevailing myth in the software industry is that business analysis requires a bloated requirements elicitation and documentation process. Although the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) is considered to be process agnostic, many business analysts create heavy requirements when they follow this document's guidelines. Bob Hartman busts this myth by explaining how to use generally accepted practices from the BABOK in an agile way. Drawing directly from the BABOK, Bob bridges the gap that many business analysts have regarding lightweight process, especially as it relates to larger projects and organizations. Gain the ability to use BABOK practices in an agile environment and develop an understanding of how to use them in more agile ways in traditional software development. Learn to eliminate waste in any bloated process and become comfortable regardless of the development methodology you use.
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Apr 27 |
STAREAST Software Testing Conference in Orlando & Online |
Jun 08 |
AI Con USA An Intelligence-Driven Future |
Sep 21 |
STARWEST Software Testing Conference in Anaheim & Online |
Oct 27 |
STARCANADA Software Testing Conference in Toronto |