Agile Growing Pains

Michael Kirby, Xerox Corporation

Often, examples of agile successes are presented in the context of small, software-only development teams. Michael Kirby describes what it took to deploy agile development techniques in a large, embedded software development organization. Michael describes the successes-and some of the failures-of deploying agile development in Xerox's Production Printer Development Team. Learn about the adaptation of Scrum (what happens when the project manager gets voted off the island), agile planning (what's a user story when the only observable behavior is to power up the device), and test-driven development and automated acceptance testing (until a paper jam occurs in the middle of the night). Michael describes the cultural barriers encountered at Xerox in trying to transition a large development team from "traditional" software development to a more agile development approach. Understand the challenges of deploying agile development in an embedded domain and how you can be successful in your organization.

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