Automated Unit Test Generation: Improve Quality Earlier

Brian Robinson, ABB Inc.

Are you tired of finding seemingly simple defects late in development? Do you detect the majority of defects during late-stage, formal testing? Are your development teams too resource-constrained to perform serious unit testing? Brian Robinson describes how ABB utilizes advances in automated unit testing to help their development teams perform more comprehensive testing at the component level. These techniques enable developers to create and maintain high quality unit test suites with significantly less effort. Brian's results show that many defects are detected earlier, saving time and leading to a more stable software product for later formal testing. He discusses the techniques and tools they use and ways your organization can best integrate them into your development and test processes. The tools Brian uses apply to C, C#, and Java, and can be integrated into Eclipse and Visual Studio. Come learn how ABB pushed defect detection earlier, saved time, and enabled development teams to adopt unit testing.

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