Automation and Test Strategies to Save Our Project from the Brink of Collapse
Teams are sometimes asked to turn a mess of undocumented, poorly structured legacy code into a robust product under impossible deadlines. Test strategies blending automation, exploration, and refactoring can help focus development efforts and converge even the most chaotic projects. But, where do you start? Join Jonathan Solórzano-Hamilton as he shows how automation can help drive products into a state of release readiness. Learn how refactoring, test-driven development, SOLID principles, dependency injection, and mocking frameworks help break down complex development problems into actionable chunks to delivering reliable, self-documented, and high-performing products. Jonathan walks you through the concepts of “Single responsibility”, “Open/closed”, “Liskov substitution”, “Interface Segregation”, and “Dependency Inversion”. Find out how to begin automating any project, applying tool-agnostic principles to deliver solid products in turbulent contexts and apply these practices back to your organization. Take away the concepts, methods and approaches to help you tackle and tame your legacy code.
Upcoming Events
Apr 27 |
STAREAST Software Testing Conference in Orlando & Online |
Jun 08 |
AI Con USA An Intelligence-Driven Future |
Sep 21 |
STARWEST Software Testing Conference in Anaheim & Online |
Oct 27 |
STARCANADA Software Testing Conference in Toronto |