Automation Strategies for Testing Complex Data and Dashboards

Greg Paskal, JCPenney

Test automation engineers are inevitably confronted with the difficult challenge of testing a screen containing hundreds–if not thousands–of data values. Designing an approach to interact with this complex data can be a nightmare, often resulting in countless programming loops that navigate through volumes of data. Greg Paskal shares an innovative way to approach these automation challenges by breaking the problem into its logical parts. First, understand the data and how to organize it using the Complex Data Methodology, and second, execute common programmatic tasks resulting in shorter automation run times. This approach can be applied to Web and client systems, and adapted easily to other technologies. Automators scripting in languages such as VB Script will find this approach innovative, breaking down automation challenges to optimize performance while still producing meaningful results. Discover a new approach to complex automation challenges, making implementation easier in current and future automation projects.

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