Bringing Shrek to Life: Software Testing at DreamWorks

Anna Newman, DreamWorks Animation

Want to take a behind the scenes look at DreamWorks Animation testing? Learn what happens when you have a tiny QA team, release deadlines that cannot slip even a day, and a crew of crazy animators using software in ways most developers never imagined. You just make it work! Anna Newman discusses how to leverage your development team to create and even execute tests on your behalf and ways to best prioritize testing areas. Find out how a small team operates successfully when a software release cycle is only few weeks long, rather than months as in many other industries. Anna explains her communications strategies for better partnerships with customers, developers, and senior management in the absence of formal development specs and test plans. Break out of your testing box and get that "happily ever after" (or is it "happily ogre after?") feeling in your test group.

  • Small team testing issues and solutions
  • Free automation tools for testing graphical images
  • Strategies for better communications in a non-traditional environment

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