Calculate the Value of Testing: It's Not Just About Cost

Leo Aalst, Sogeti Netherlands B.V.

It seems that senior management is always complaining that testing costs too much. And their opinion is accurate if they consider only the costs-and not the benefits-of testing. What if you could show management how much you have saved the organization by finding defects during testing? The most expensive defects are ones not found during testing-defects that ultimately get delivered to the user. Their consequential damages and repair costs can far exceed the cost of finding them before deploying a system. Instead of focusing only on the cost of testing, Leo van der Aalst shows you how to determine the real value that testing adds to the project. He shares a model that he has used to calculate the losses testing prevents-losses that did not occur because testing found the error before the application was put into production. Leo explains the new testing math: Loss Prevented – Cost of Testing = Added Value of Testing.

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