Calling all Agile Skeptics - the Curious, and Die-Hard, Non-Agile

Damon Poole, AccuRev

Not convinced about agile? Curious about this new approach, but not sure it makes any sense? Does it feel like agile goes against everything your experience tells you is the right thing to do? Damon Poole examines your concerns, doubts, counter-examples, and horror-stories. If you are interested in helping to answer the concerns of others, then bring your answers, positive examples, and experiences. In either case, bring an open mind, a sense of humor, and at least one anecdote. Delegates will share the floor and help to keep the atmosphere fun and relaxed. Come and learn how some of the practices that may be fueling your skepticism are either optional or only work when done in conjunction with other practices. For instance, frequent releases are not required and short iterations work best when coupled with automated regression testing.

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