Cloud Computing: Powering the Future of Testing

Sundar Raghavan, Skytap

With the advent of agile development processes, the expected cycle time for building and shipping quality software has been cut dramatically. Yet, much of the IT infrastructure testing used has remained the same for most companies. Testing teams often find themselves squeezed between the need for speed and their inadequate test infrastructure. Today, hundreds of companies are using cloud-based IT infrastructures to streamline, parallelize, and accelerate their testing cycles. Using real-world case studies, Sundar Raghavan shares how the cloud model can enable you to create multiple test environments, instantiate production-like virtual data centers, run multiple tests in parallel, and perform load tests almost at will. Sundar discusses how the cloud model reduces the cost and complexity of test harness set-up and tear-down-all without requiring you to change test tools or methodologies. Return to work with a comprehensive set of questions you should ask every cloud provider to determine if their solution will fit your needs.

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