CMMI or Agile: Why Not Embrace Both?
Agile development methods and CMMI® best practices are often perceived to be in conflict with each other. Some even argue that the Agile Manifesto was largely a counter response to the original CMM®. Hillel Glazer explores ways that CMMI® and agile champions can work together to derive benefit from both approaches to dramatically improve business performance. Arm yourself with the knowledge to address any Agile-CMMI® rift within your organization and learn ways to benefit from both practices. Hillel fills in some of the missing details that led to the original perceived conflict and discovers that CMMI® is missing components that agile provides and agile is missing components that CMMI® provides. He presents examples of how CMMI® can help propagate agile ideas and propel them towards fully optimized performance levels. In addition, he shares an example of how to use systems engineering to strike the appropriate compromise between "extreme" agile and "extreme" CMMI® so that, in the middle, they can interoperate effectively.
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