Code Coverage: Where Does it Fit?

Dale Brenneman, McCabe Software

Many organizations use code coverage almost religiously in their testing. Just as many or more organizations do not use code coverage or have tried it and stopped. If you want to begin using code coverage for the first time or improve its value and usage within your team, come hear what Dale Brenneman has to share. Using real-life examples, Dale explains the value of code coverage analysis as part of a comprehensive test plan and the potential side effects when you do not use code coverage. Find out about the many levels of code coverage and ways to enhance the value of code coverage analysis with other analysis techniques. Take away a step-by-step approach for integrating code coverage analysis into your organization's test process and fitting it into your functional test automation program.

  • The levels of module code coverage: entry, line, statement, branch, Boolean, cyclomatic path, all paths
  • The levels of application coverage: sums of module, module entry, integration calls, integration paths, all paths
  • A sample of the results and reports from code coverage analysis

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