Compliance and Agility—How It Can Be Done
Delivering a compliant product is a resource intensive and challenging activity for most teams. Whether a team is trying to adhere to company, industry, or international standards, it needs to produce deliverables under tight deadlines with the right level of quality. When you work with Forensic teams the stakes are high! Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a new forensic DNA sequencing technology which can result in increased detection ability for degraded and complex mixture samples. It can also provide ancestry and physical trait information which help's narrow down suspects. Join Aprajita Mathur as she shares how her team successfully built the first Forensics, NGS “sample-to-answer” platform at illumina, working in a cross-functional team, using a scrum-based methodology, yet in a compliant environment. For her team, the stakes were high, timelines tight, and quality was of upmost importance to ensure the truth is always found: An integrated “sample to answer” solution to aid forensic investigation teams must be accurate, precise, reliable, and provide information in the timescales of investigation. Aprajita discusses myths about software development in regulatory space. Take away agile practices that deliver compliant products, using agile artifacts to meet specifications with minimum effort, release after release.
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