Continuous Integration: Do It Continuously

Steven List, ThoughtWorks Inc

No matter when it happens, integrating components is difficult. Tail-end integration, often called "big bang," is the hardest; it often leads "the hidden project"-you know, the one that occurs after everything is supposedly "done," when the team finally corrects all the integration defects. Steven “Doc” List describes how agile teams can use continuous integration to significantly reduce-if not eliminate-that hidden project. As Doc leads you through a fun and challenging simulation using LEGOs of all things, you'll experience the value of continuous integration up close and personal. After the exercise, Doc explores what you learned and how it applies to software in an agile development context. He compares and contrasts the traditional, big bang integration approach with the smoother, incremental, continuous integration process. As you chuckle and deal with frustration, you'll discover how continuous integration can and will work in your organization.

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