Create Influence, on Demand

Bernie Maloney

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The effectiveness of agile approaches are built on influence rather than authority. Practices like collocation and stand-ups actually amplify influence, leveraging behavior patterns built into humans through biology and social conditions. In this workshop, Bernie Maloney will show you how to unpack some fundamental influence patterns, gleaned from typical collaboration ceremonies, and turn them into conscious tools for leadership. Through interactive exercises, you’ll amplify and practice your ability to influence by quickly establishing and building rapport via all forms of active communication: words, inflection, and body language. Bernie will then show you how to extend these tools to lead individuals and teams, and influence upward in your organization as well. You will take away a set of simple yet subtle techniques to improve your communication effectiveness.

About the Presenter

Bernie Maloney ’s career started with a flash and a bang, literally—his first position was designing devices that protect telephone networks from lightning strikes. A few career pivots later, he had a flash of insight: It was possible to tap into latent potential in every person, every team, and every organization. Across his twenty-five years of engineering and leadership experience, he’s worked with firms including Bell Telephone Laboratories, HP, TiVo, and Cisco and helped scale businesses from break-even to beyond $100 million. In addition to his client work, he teaches agile product development at Stanford Continuing Studies. Bernie helps his clients lead through influence rather than authority. He believes that accelerating genius is possible in any leader, team, or business, and leads not only to success, but also to a whole lot more fun.

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