Creating an Innovation-Rich Culture

Melissa Petak

It's important to create a culture that inspires and infuses your development team with great ideas. But ideas are not action. Ideas in and of themselves are nothing more than unrefined, random thoughts, and worse, most ideas never get implemented. Even when you do follow through on some of the best ideas, they can cause great harm without proper planning and execution. While creativity is an asset, unbridled creativity where disparate ideas abound outside a sound decision-making and execution framework will create distraction and chaos. In this session, Melissa Petak will show you how to transform your organization into a value-creating machine. Using Forbes 15 elements of spurring innovation, Melissa will show you how to balance your innovation portfolio, establish a competitive advantage, and drive business engagement. You'll learn how to create a corporate culture that turns ideas into innovation.

About the Presenter

Melissa Petak is the director of business excellence and oversees the offices of Compliance/Quality, Business Culture, and Project Management at Onlife Health. As a cultural pioneer, Melissa is responsible for developing the organizational framework that supports innovation and engagement, aligning to the strategic vision and goals set out by the senior leadership team. Melissa started her career as a hospital administrator in the US Air Force and continues to serve in the rank of major with the US Air Force Reserve Little Rock Air Force Base Clinic. She most recently served as a Medicaid project manager with HP. She holds a master’s degree in health care from the University of West Florida and a black belt in Six Sigma from Villanova. She is also a first-year doctoral student at the Medical University of South Carolina.

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