Crowdsourced Testing: An Emerging Business Model

Manoj Narayanan, Cognizant Technology Solutions

Crowdsourced testing has emerged as a startlingly effective by-product of social networking. Manoj Narayanan describes how many organizations are leveraging crowdsourcing to reduce testing costs and increase product quality. They are learning that the value of crowdsourced testing can differ significantly based on whether you are testing a web application, mobile device, or gaming app. To help you evaluate the benefits and constraints, Manoj compares the business model crowdsourced vendors are adopting to traditional testing approaches. Explore how crowdsourced vendors are now focusing on vertical integration through partnerships with both cloud-based infrastructure services and on-demand testing tool vendors to improve ROI. Manoj concludes by exploring how greater integration between social networking and crowdsourcing can further enhance the testing business model. Examples include creating "social clubs" for domain-focused testing and using social search channels to build "tribal" knowledge of systems for use across releases.

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