Crowdsourced Testing: An Emerging Model for Serious Testing

Manoj Narayanan, Cognizant Technology Solutions

Crowdsourcing has emerged as a startlingly effective by-product of social networking and the web. Manoj Narayanan describes the many ways businesses are using crowdsourcing as a cost and quality lever in their most important software testing projects. Learn about crowdsourcing and how the value delivered can differ when testing a web application, mobile device, gaming app, or other types of systems. Manoj compares the business model practiced by organizations such as uTest to traditional testing practices. He examines the different approaches that organizations are taking today to integrate crowdtesting into the overall testing strategy, ranging from adopting crowd testing for ad hoc releases to incorporating it as an integral part of the overall testing strategy. Manoj concludes by exploring how greater integration between social networking and crowdsourcing can further enhance the testing business model-creation of "social clubs" for domain-focused testing and using social search channels to build “tribal” knowledge across software releases.

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