Cultivating High-Performing Teams

Bobbi Underbakke, Adaptive Team Collaboration, Inc.

A high performance, self-governing team is a prerequisite for delivering better software products more quickly. Unfortunately, developing such a team is neither simple nor linear. It requires exceptional leadership to build and maintain a team on which everyone is focused on accomplishing a common goal. While high-performing teams may appear "headless," managing a collected group of experts requires a role typically more associated with a relationship manager than a project manager. Based on her consulting experiences and on Dr. David Kolb's five-phase leadership model, Bobbi Underbakke discusses the skills and techniques software managers and project leaders must have to maximize their team's capabilities and speed. Learn innovative ways to guide, motivate, and inspire your team rather than trying to monitor and control them. Although the emphasis may differ from project-to-project and team-to-team, your leadership skills can be the difference between an average team and one that exceeds expectations.

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