Do the Right Thing: Adapting Requirements Practices for Agile Projects

Ellen Gottesdiener, EBG Consulting, Inc.

Some agile teams rely on user stories alone to articulate requirements, struggle with requirements rework on large agile projects, and spend too much time thrashing on requirements during iterations. Requirements expert and agile coach, Ellen Gottesdiener shares a wide spectrum of requirements practices ranging from traditional to agile to help you break out of the cookie-cutter mentality that some take toward requirements elicitation. Practitioners from a traditional environment learn how classic requirements practices are adapted on agile projects. Agile practitioners learn how they may lighten, tighten, or incorporate a subset of traditional requirements practices to mitigate risks associated with missing, erroneous, or conflicting requirements. Gain an appreciation of ways to adapt requirements practices to fit various project situations so you can do the right things for your project.

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