Enabling Enterprise Quality
Too often quality is identified as solely owned by the quality assurance team. By taking a broader approach to roles, tools, and ideology, you can restructure your vision of how to provide rapid, frequent releases that empower all delivery team members. From advancing the QA role to developing in-house frameworks to facilitate developer testing, you can make significant strides to become a leader in software development. Learn how Mike Cullen's team built and deployed an automated test framework that allows developers to write supplementary UI tests that reside within their code base alongside unit tests. This enables them to accelerate pipeline deployments by providing instant feedback and removing the second-layer requirement of having QA maintain or evolve test scripts in response to development requests. Come discover how to get everyone on your team to own the quality of their work and the software overall.
Upcoming Events
Apr 27 |
STAREAST Software Testing Conference in Orlando & Online |
Jun 08 |
AI Con USA An Intelligence-Driven Future |
Sep 21 |
STARWEST Software Testing Conference in Anaheim & Online |
Oct 27 |
STARCANADA Software Testing Conference in Toronto |