Five Steps to Becoming a Top Tester

Bernie Berger, Liquidnet Holdings, Inc.

Have you ever wondered what top testers do that enables them to accomplish so much more than an average tester? As a tester, the key to maximizing your potential for success is taking responsibility for developing your own testing skills. Bernie Berger shares five testing tips that can help you strengthen your testing ability and set you apart from the crowd. Learn what it means to know your stakeholders; why it is important to think concurrently; where to look for boundaries in testing your application; how to test beyond the specifications; and when to be skeptical. The common theme of these tips is: If you want to improve the way you test, you first have to improve the way you think. Bernie believes that testing is more than just a job--it is a cool way to earn a living, and we can all do it better.

  • The hidden stakeholders in your system under test
  • Testing at the boundary +1 and -1 may not be sufficient
  • How to construct complex test scenarios using current events

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