Focusing Testing on Business Needs

Selena Delesie, Delesie Solutions

Many testers mourn the state of their state-undervalued, unrespected, and often excluded from important project conversations. Even though their advice may be dismissed, many testers somehow believe that they are accountable for software quality. Why does this happen? Testers often forget that they are service providers whose role is to provide critical information to the project’s stakeholders. Selena Delesie explains why testing and test reporting should focus on business needs to add the most value and gain respect within the organization. Selena will help testers learn how to ask the right questions, draw out pertinent information, and understand the stakeholders “world view.” Explore key values required to be successful in transforming how the organization perceives testing. Discover communication techniques that will help testers connect with stakeholders and get them clamoring for more testing. Leave with real-world approaches for handling difficult conversations and project situations that will gain the respect of stakeholders.

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