Fuzzing and Fault Modeling for Product Evaluation

Shmuel Gershon, Intel Corporation

Test environments are often maintained under favorable conditions, providing a stable, reliable configuration for testing. However, once the product is released to production, it is subject to the stresses of low resources, noisy–even malicious–data, unusual users, and much more. Will real-world use destroy the reliability of your software and embarrass your organization? Shmuel Gershon describes fuzzing and fault modeling, techniques used to simulate worst-case run-time scenarios in his testing. Fuzzing explores the limits of a system interface with high volumes of random input data. Fault models examine and highlight system resource usage, pointing out potential problems. These techniques help raise important questions about product quality–even for conditions that aren't explicit in requirements. Shmuel shares practical principles for getting started with fuzzing and fault modeling, and demonstrates catastrophic failures on real-world applications. Come and learn how, using free tools, you can push the limits of your software.

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