The Good, Bad, and Puzzling: What Agile Data Is Telling Us

Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.

Strategic software development successes-and failures-happen every day, sometimes delighting customers and other times having devastating consequences. At the same time, many development organizations are taking on agile methods-a major paradigm shift from traditional development processes. So, what's working and what's not? Drawing from recent industry data and statistics, Michael Mah answers vital questions about agile's effectiveness. Until now, organizations have observed predictable relationships among the development triangle, "Among schedule, staffing, and quality, choose any two and the third suffers." However, current industry data indicates agile may be changing all this-and turning the "law of software physics" upside down. Michael shares productivity findings-including time-to-market, productivity, and quality-at five agile companies. Discover the right practices for your environment and the characteristics of a valuable agile practices measurement program. Discover how these metrics will reveal insights into which practices offer the most benefits to your development organization.

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