Great Test Teams Don't Just Happen

Jane Fraser, Electronic Arts

Test teams are just groups of people who work on projects together. But how do great test teams become great? More importantly, how can you lead your team to greatness? Jane Fraser describes the changes she made after several people on her testing staff asked to move out of testing and into other groups-production and engineering-and how helping them has improved the whole team and made Jane a much better leader. Join Jane as she shares her team's journey toward greatness. She started by getting to really know the people on the team-makes them tick, how they react to situations, what excites them, what makes them feel good and bad. She discovered the questions to ask and the behaviors to observe that will give you the insight you need to lead. Join Jane to learn how to empower your team members with the responsibility, authority, and accountability to get the job done while you concentrate on removing roadblocks to their success. And most importantly, remember it's all about them-it's not about you.

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