The Great Testers of our Time and Times Past

Clive Bates, Grove Consultants

What can today's software testers learn from present and past testing masters, many of whom have put their own lives on the line to make amazing contributions to the world in which we live? Clive Bates is thinking about testers such as Chuck Yeager, Yuri Gagarin, Andy Green, Leonardo da Vinci, and Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Isambard who? Isambard Kingdom Brunel was one of the greatest engineers in British history. A designer of bridges, tunnels, viaducts, docks, and ships, Brunel constantly battled resistance from established authorities, lack of adequate funding, changes in requirements, and project delays (sound familiar?). In researching the achievements of past testing masters, Clive has identified important traits and characteristics that made them successful. If we acknowledge and adopt these traits in our lives, we may become more successful in our work.

  • The testing secrets of masters in other disciplines
  • How to adopt their practices to your work
  • Embrace their enthusiasm and courage to promote innovation

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