Holistic Agile: Treat the Whole Company, Not Just IT
As agile methods find more global applicability, we are finding groups outside of IT that have nothing to do with technology or software development demonstrating success with agile methods. But the approach to the solutions they deliver are often catered to their own unique circumstances. The original Agile Manifesto, principles, and supporting frameworks were formed with software development in mind, but from a holistic perspective, a different approach is needed for enterprise solutions outside of IT. Robert Woods will show you how to translate the success seen in agile software delivery to parts of the organization that don't deliver technology as its core solution. He'll show you how a more holistic approach to agile adoption can change both what and how we teach, how to rethink the founding agile principles we have worked so hard to adhere to, and the impact this has on defining and facilitating enterprise agile transformation. You'll see how holistic agile is redefining what an agile company looks like, and how to help those outside of IT find success.
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