How GM Tests Web Services

Frank Cohen, PushToTest

General Motors is on the road to a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) as its computing standard. To proceed they need to understand the scalability and throughput limits of the message-centric Web services approach that is the essence of SOA. General Motors chose SOA to build its next generation information systems, using Web services and ebXML technology. Service consumers and service providers will exchange Unified Business Language (UBL) Business Object Documents (BODs) to do things like get a purchase order and acknowledge an order. Frank Cohen presents the test methodology and findings from the GM Web Service Performance Benchmark project for its SOA applications and highlights a huge, impending industry-wide problem with Web services. Take home a test methodology to check SOA and Web Services for scalability in your environment.

  • A summary of the technology issues with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services, and ebXML
  • How today's Web services tools from BEA, Sun, and IBM measure up
  • How to measure scalability and functionality in Web systems and those employing Grid computing

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