Impostor Syndrome: The Innovation Killer among Us
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As an agile community, we talk a lot about innovation and failure. But we often forget to talk about the head games that keep us from innovating. Billie Schuttpelz unearths those internal dialogues that prevent us from taking risks that drive innovation. Become a part of breaking open the conversation around impostor syndrome—yes, it exists, and it's stealing far too many of our authentic voices. Join Billie to get insights into how imposter syndrome is holding you back. You'll learn three ways to unleash your creative ideas, break free of the swirling thoughts and inactivity that can be a part of imposter syndrome, and embrace that you are your own “approver.” When we come together stronger and bolder, the entire agile community benefits, so learn to become confident and give yourself permission to let loose your most innovative potential.
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