Introduction to Test-Driven Development

Christian Sepulveda, Covexus, Inc.

Write the test. Make it green. Make it clean. This is the mantra of test-driven development (TDD). Though viewed as a developer-only practice, software project managers, test managers, and testers need to understand TDD if they are going to operate successfully in a TDD environment. Because developers maintain a continuously updated automated test suite with TDD, testers are liberated to focus on higher level testing activities. In addition, TDD offers an opportunity for testers to give early feedback and insight regarding the tests that developers write. Overall, a complementary feedback cycle can ensue to enhance the work of developers and testers alike. With several case studies as examples, Chris Sepulveda, a veteran developer and proponent, introduces test-driven development, demonstrates TDD in action, and discusses the relationship between testers and developers in a TDD world.

  • Getting started with test-driven development (TDD)
  • How to apply TDD to a legacy code base, GUI interfaces, Web applications, and more
  • The balance of responsibilities between the testers and developers on a project using TDD

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