The Introvert's Survival Guide to Agile

Julee Bellomo Everett

Open work areas, a focus on collaboration and conversations, and group events that seem to require verbal fluency ... It may feel like the agile ecosystem is designed with extroverts in mind. But science tells us that introverts make up almost half of the workforce, and they may struggle to be productive in an agile environments. In fact, introverts might even shy away from agile opportunities because of the radical collaboration it requires. In this interactive session, Julee Everett will teach you to recognize the traits of an extrovert and an introvert through self-identification. Building on that discussion, you will identify common prejudices and personal biases, then move into busting myths about introverts. Explore how introverts can thrive as leaders by studying lessons from modern, well-known introverted leaders. You will take away three specific techniques that you can immediately apply to bring out the best in both personality types on your teams.

About the Presenter

Julee Everett is an innovation and agility consultant and professional trainer with more than a decade in the industry. She helps businesses improve their innovation skills and learn how to apply agility to business strategy and problems. Julee specializes in product and portfolio management, design sprints, innovation, and product discovery workshops. She is the founder of the ProductCamp Gulf Coast and the Tampa Bay Product Owner group. Learn more about Julee and her current products and trainings available at

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