ISTQB Certification: Setting the Standard for Tester Professionalism

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting

A good test certification program confirms, through objective exams, the knowledge and professional capabilities of software testers. The International
Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB™) was formed as a non-profit organization to develop and promote just such a certification throughout the world. The ISTQB™ is comprised of volunteer representatives from eighteen
national boards, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Poland, and other European countries. Rex Black, current President of both the ISTQB™ and the US national board
(ASTQB), presents an overview of the first truly international tester certification program. He describes the development of the standard syllabus outlining
required knowledge and skills and presents an overview of the three levels of certification available to professional testers.

  • Learn about the ISTQB™-an open, international tester certification program
  • Discover how the syllabus is the distilled wisdom of many experts including practitioners, consultants, trainers, and academicians
  • Participate in a program with over 32,000 certified testers around the world

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