I've Looked at Bugs from Both Sides Now

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.

Many QA and test professionals are working more closely than ever with their development counterparts, especially those using agile approaches. In doing so, we are learning that some of the attitudes and habits we developed as independent QA groups are no longer effective, especially those that perpetuate an "us vs. them" mentality. Whatever approach your developers are using, it is worth asking, "How should we behave differently if we know our developers really want the same things we want: on time delivery of a software product that everyone loves?" After crossing over into development and back into testing, Elisabeth Hendrickson explores how testing and QA professionals can work more effectively with developers. Along the way Elisabeth will expose and refute some of the fallacies and myths that lead to dysfunctional behaviors, and she will provide concrete suggestions for developing healthier relationships within the whole product team.

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