The Lean and Agile Way into the Cloud

Yash Talreja, The Technology Gurus

Advances in technologies-virtualization, cheap storage, high-speed networks-and a growing comfort with the Internet's security and reliability are leading to widespread adoption of cloud computing. Still, traditional software development methodologies are unable to make full use of the power and flexibility cloud computing offers. Yash Talreja describes how he helped his clients implement lean and agile software development methodologies to take full advantage of cloud computing. Find out how a social networking site and a branded instant messaging company combined the ease and economy of cloud-based system installation, management, and maintenance with the speed of lean and agile practices. They were able to simplify the deployment and upgrade process offered by the cloud, and combine the benefits of a tight feedback loop between developers and end-users. The combination of cloud plus lean plus agile resulted in better requirements, faster development, less waste, and lower costs. What more could anyone want?

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