The Life of a Tester, from Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After

Jennifer Bonine

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Most fairy tales start out with a scary premise and move to a happy ending. Lately, we have heard lots of scary stories about the future of testing. As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to gain prominence, we see even more concerns about the tester’s career. With the help of a famous animation team, Janna and Jennifer will take you through a wild animated journey from what it was like in the early days of software to where we are today. We’ll explore the evolution of the testing profession, as well as what it will become in the future. As this story moves from black and white to full color, you will get a history lesson on where some practices we may take for granted originated, review times when testers and developers were separated and more of adversaries than collaborators, and finish with the present, where quality is everyone’s responsibility. These days technology is moving faster than ever, and Janna and Jennifer want to make sure you are focused on the things that will enable a successful testing career, today and beyond. They will give you the tools to write your own story and live happily ever after.

About the Presenter

Jennifer Bonine is a well-known speaker, teacher, and trainer at both national and international conferences. She has keynoted numerous Testing, Agile, and Development conferences. Jennifer’s belief is that we should do what we are passionate about and believes in living your passion. To this end, Jennifer co-founded and is the CEO of Pink Lion AI: a breakout AI company that brings AI to the world’s app teams and delivers AI integration with a human engagement model while educating teams on solving challenges with an AI-first strategy. Jennifer is the first female AI testing tech CEO and is currently collaborating in the entertainment, gaming, media and professional sports industries with Test.AI. As Test.AI’s partner PinkLion is solving testing challenges using AI that have been unsolvable with more traditional automation testing. Jennifer has held executive-level positions leading development and quality engineering teams for Fortune 100 companies in several Industries. In a recent engagement Jennifer served as a strategy executive and in corporate marketing for the C-suite.

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