Make Your Team Awesome—Yes, You Can!
The key to creating high-performing teams is psychological safety—the ability to be vulnerable in front of others even when they hold diverse viewpoints, and the opportunity to take risks and trust that everything will be OK. However, creating this safety is easier said than done. Maaret Pyhäjärvi shares her story of working with software development and test teams to enable them to be awesome. She explains how to reinforce the positive while enabling great software product development by empowering others in your team. Maaret explores how to be brave when others are not, and how to care for and build safety for others. She describes being a catalyst for your team, emphasizing learning—always with safety as a prerequisite. Today, Maaret uses her position as a tester not only to test every part of the software but also to build the collaboration habits of the team, delivering actionable information to improve product quality. Whether you are an individual contributor or a manager, join Maaret to get your team started on the journey to awesome.
Maaret presents an encore of her highly-rated STARWEST 2017 keynote.
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